Free speech is a right, not a privilege. We believe that everyone should have the right to speak their mind, no matter how controversial their opinions may be.
Your voice is loud. Make it more powerful by posting on our
forum and sharing across social media. We are a community of
people who believe in the power of free speech and the
multiplying effect of social media.
Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
Consenting adults are free to express themselves in any (legal) way they choose on our forum. Videos, images, and text are all welcome, while we may not all share your kinks and proclivities, mannerisms and divesions from the mainstream, we will, however, defend your right to express them.
We object to the thought that rumination is the best tool for
treating anger. We belive that showing our displeasure through
direct action is the best way to deal with anger. We are not a
violent group, but we do believe that anger is a natural
emotion and should be expressed in a healthy way. Posting
memes and videos on our forum is a great way to express your
anger in a healthy way, for example.
Maybe sharing your anger with others will help you to feel
better or even help you to find a solution to your problem.
Freedom of speech is not absolute. There are some limitations
on speech that are necessary to protect other important
values, such as national security, public safety, and the
rights of others. For example, the government can restrict
speech that is considered to be incitement to violence,
obscenity, or defamation. However, these limitations are
narrowly drawn and must be justified by a compelling
government interest.
In general, the government should err on the side of
allowing speech, even if it is offensive or unpopular.